Imagine a superstar lineup – a kind of dream team – comprised of all the mischievous-yet-lovable kids that have starred in their own comic strips and books. The setting is a classroom where in attendance we find Dennis the Menace, Little Lulu, Tubby, Li’l Jinx, Little Audrey & Melvin, The Katzenjammer Kids (held back several times and the massive bullies of the class), etc. etc. “May I have your attention, class? Thank you. Today we have a new pupil. Class, please say hello to Little Iodine!”

Little Iodine (My favorite name of all the imps) was the creation of the great Jimmy Hatlo, whom baby-boomers will remember from his one-two panel strip, They'll Do It Every Time. Little Iodine was a spin-off of that strip, achieving her own strip and her own Dell comic. These two following stories come from Four Color No. 257, December 1949. Feast your eyes on Hatlo’s classic bigfoot draftsmanship!

This is another B&W inside cover (in this case the back cover); always an enjoyable staple with Dell. Hatlo's lovely brushwork and draftsmanship is on full display.