American Comics Group (ACG) published both Giggle Comics and Ha Ha Comics. Both titles were published monthly between 1943 and 1955. With this whopping one-two punch, a catalogue of classic material was produced which continues to shine brightly. These stories (and great Dan Gordon cover) from a 1946 issue are typical of the monthly brilliance.

Superkatt is Dan Gordon’s best remembered creation and why in the world wouldn’t he be? He is a standard housecat that wears diapers, an oversized bowtie, and a blue baby bonnet as a kind of uniform – and, despite his name and profound delusions of grandeur, is completely without superpowers.If you love kids’ comics, you love Dan Gordon. It’s really as simple as that. His characters practically jump off the page with dimension and texture. I particularly love Superkatt’s dog pal, Humphrey, and house maid, Petunia. Also amazing are Gordon’s layouts and lettering.

I believe this next Duke and the Dope story to be the work of Ken Hultgren, primarily a Disney animator that did a ton of comic book work for ACG.

This Potsy the Parrot quickie is the always lively, engaging work of Don Arr (Don R. Christensen).

Gil Turner did this single Sweet William page. I know Turner best for his Disney character work for Dell (L’il Bad Wolf and Bucky Bug). His style here seems a bit looser that his Disney/Dell work – a little more free and fun. I like!

More Gordon before I let you go. This magnificent inside back cover, advertising the ACG comic, Cookie; displays the artists astounding composition and brushwork to the fullest.

That Superkatt story was awesome, Mykal~! I wonder how many thoughtful kids turned vegetarian after reading that one ? You can bet Petunia Veronica **** **** **** Washington's life a few of them did ! Oh~ and I love how Gordon threw in a few Walt Kelly inspired word-balloons with customized fonts~! Keep this stuff coming~! Every dime-full is truly packed with HA HA GIGGLES~!
ReplyDeleteLysdexicuss: I, too, loved this story and how Superkatt's heart is in the right place. I also loved the way the Turkey's talked with such stoic realism.
ReplyDeletethese are such great comics. I really like the way the panels stretch and squish and squash and squoosh around to make room for word balloons and characters. He really had to do some pre-planing to know which panel could sacrifice a little to make room for the other.
ReplyDeleteFabulous, fabulous stuff here. All of the features are terrific, but that Superkatt is awesome.
ReplyDeleteYou couldn't post too much of this kinda material for my tastes!
Ooooh, I ve never seen this one before! Rapture! Dan Gordon is the greatest ever. Thanks SO much for posting this amazing comic book treasure.
ReplyDeleteSherm: My pleasure, pal!
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen many of these -- and this is a superb issue. Thanks for sharing it with us, MB.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure as always, Gary!
ReplyDeleteThese are absolutely fantastic, especially the Superkatt comic(reminds me a little of the Thanksgiving episode of "Rugrats" where the kids try to save a turkey from becoming dinner), and the Potsy comic! (Cookie is nifty, too!)