Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Forgotten Master: Ellis Holly Chambers

Recently, friend Sherm Cohen posted some of the wonderful work of Ellis Holly Chambers on his blog, Cartoon SNAP. Feeling inspired, I rummaged through my collection and found the following stories from Dizzy Duck No. 32, November 1950. You may find more of this great, forgotten artist at Sherm's post: (CLICK). Also, the George Washington of comic bloggers, Pappy (Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine), has posted more great Chambers info and work: (CLICK). Download THIS POST!

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Steam-Heated Yule Log!

More George Carlson genius from Jingle Jangle Comics No. 42, December 1942. Santa comes tonight, boys and girls; and I know you've all been good. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Download THIS POST!

If I could give you all something . . .

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Pie-Face Prince at Christmas!

This beautifully constructed Christmas tale is all the genius of George Carlson; and it comes from Jingle Jangle Comics No. 42, December 1942. I hope you are all warm and happy this holiday season! Download THE PIE-FACE PRINCE AT CHRISTMAS!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Batty Saves Christmas!

Let's begin our Christmas postings! This year, all our stories will come from Jingle Jangle Comics No. 42, December 1942.

What better way to demonstrate the redemptive powers of the holidays than with a story of a cranky, sleep-deprived bat that saves Christmas day? God bless and keep you and yours this holiday season. Download BATTY CHRISTMAS TOYS!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

COMIC CAVALCADE No. 55, Feb. - March 1953

Throughout the 1930s and 40s, Comic Cavalcade was a super hero comic, featuring Golden Age stories about the Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and the Flash. By the late 1940s, however, the market for super heroes had crashed and burned (if you can believe it) and the anthology title became strictly a funny animals comic. This cover is by Jim Davis, artist for headliners, Fox and the Crow. Download THIS POST!

There is something of the train wreck in Jim Davis' often violent, often cruel Fox and the Crow stories. It's not right, I know, but I just can't turn away. The poor fox gets thumped and swindled every darn time. Well, at least Davis' art is easy on the eyes.

Sheldon Mayer was DC's big gun during this era, reigning supreme in the world of kids' comics. His stories always had such a ton of energy, all of it good. Mayer is certainly a hall-of-famer, being inducted into both the Jack Kirby and Will Eisner Halls of Fame (1996 and 2000 respectively). Both these next stories are pure Mayer: fun, alive, and warm.

What a gorgeous Daisy ad from the same issue. This is the model Ralphie wanted in Jean Shepard's A Christmas Story. Just don't shoot your eye out, kid.