Monday, February 28, 2011

POPEYE in "Boom! Boom!"

This Popeye story, "Boom! Boom!" is from Popeye No. 23, Jan-March 1953. The artwork is by my favorite Popeye artist, Bud Sagendorf.

Friday, February 25, 2011

YOGI BEAR No. 5, Oct.-Nov. 1961

The following cover and three stories (Yogi Bear, Yakky Doodle, and Snagglepuss) all come from Yogi Bear No. 5, Oct.-Nov. 1961. The artist is unknown (Harvey Eisenberg?).

I had the milk mug from the first ad when I was a kid. I wonder if my mother sent away for it? If so, good going, mom! Regarding the bike ad, some day I want to put together a coffee table book of comic book bicycle ads. They were always so beautifully cool.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

TOM CAT No. 7, May 1957

Here come two stories from Tom Cat, one of the many Charlton kids’ comics edited by Al Fago. The cover is Fago as well as the first story - featuring his own creation, Atomic Mouse!

I don’t know the artist for this second Dog Daze story, but I sure like the style. What a fine range of expressions!