Friday, September 23, 2011

Dan Gordon & Ken Hultgren - Giggle Comics

Very few cartoonists from any era had better brushwork than Dan Gordon. This first story is from Giggle Comics No. 71, May-June 1950. Gordon animated everything from Popeye for the Fleischer Studios to Huckleberry Hound for Hanna-Barbera. Most of his comic book work was for ACG (American Comics Group), where his funny animals (and funny humans) bounce around in a three-dimensional, rubbery world.

Next comes a Duke and the Dope story from ever-reliable Ken Hultgren - although it looks like someone else had a hand in this one. That giant gorilla is drawn a bit more loose and dynamic than is typical for the artist. Ken Hultgren was one of the Disney artists that animated the monster in the great sci-fi film, Forbidden Planet! Isn't that cool?

Finally, one of my favorite unsung cartoonists: Ray Thompson - who drew the stories of the Fleer Dubble Bubble Kids for the namesake bubble gum.


  1. WOW! What a great kid comic! It's got characters shooting from cannons, torture devices, guns, dynamite, everything! Those were the days.

  2. KW: And don't forget an elephant doing an impression of Jimmy Durante!

  3. Nice to see this side of Hultgren. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Daniel: This is some of my favorite Hultgren (however much of a part he played - pencils, inks, or both). That gorilla is great!

  5. A couple of great stories, Mykal, neither of which I'd seen.

    I notice neither story was signed, so maybe you're right about another hand in the Hultgren pages.

    Great gorilla, though!

  6. Pappy: I love to see Gordon in non-Superkatt stories now and then. I bet there aren't too many of us who remember Frank Buck!

    That gorilla is awesome!

  7. Wow -- Dan Gordon comics make any day better…thanks for posting! …and thanks for the kind words about SpongeBob, too !

  8. Sherm: Oh, tarter sauce, what a great cartoon!

  9. Actually, I think this is what real Hultgren looks like, and what we're used to is the inks of his regular inker, Al Hubbard. Hubbard make the work much slicker.

  10. SangorShop: If this is the real Hultgren, I like! Thanks for the info. You've given me food for thought.

  11. Boy, this Bungle of the Jungle comic is sooo GREAT! Can't remember when I've seen a funnier(or wackier!) comic, and I just LOVE the characters(particularly Bungle himself)! BTW, I like Spongebob, too! :)
