Friday, September 28, 2012

The West of Everett Raymond Kinstler

Story art from this wonderful issue of Four Color (#491 - August 1953) is by one of America's greatest portrait painters, Everett Raymond Kinstler. Although Mr. Kinstler has painted the portraits of American presidents (seven of them) and movie stars, he cut his teeth in the 1940s and 50s on comic books. For Dell (Four Color), he worked on many Western titles (Western Marshall, Zorro, Outlaw Trail, and Max Brand's Silvertip), often producing several issues in a series. Im a big, fat fan! The following story is a prime example of Kinstler's remarkable vision of the American West.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bozo the Clown and His Minikin Circus

Bob Grant, the artist responsible for the gorgeousity of the following cover and pages, was a Disney artist throughout the 40s, 50s, and 60s; yet his resume is a bit unique for comic book artists of his day: He wasn't an animator. According to Lambiek Comiclopedia, Grant worked almost exclusively in print illustration (Sunday funnies, daily strips, comics, etc.). How refreshing! He gives us some beautiful work here. I love his character design and the wonderful inking throughout. Grant's panels have such a wonderful sense of space and perspective. This is from Four Color No. 285 (July 1950)

Did I mention Bob Grant's gorgeous inking? Catch an eyeful on these great black and white pages from the inside covers: