Friday, December 12, 2014

Vincent Fago in Giggle Comics

Here comes a story from Giggle Comics No. 19 (May, 1945) with artwork by Vincenzo Francisco Gennaro Di Fago (more popularly known as Vincent Fago). Fago's story is largely forgotten today but very fascinating. One of many interesting aspects of Fago's story is his close friendship with Stan Lee during the war years (1940s). During WWII, Fago took over the editing desk at Timely Comics (predecessor of Marvel) while Mr. Lee entered the Armed Services. And, as can be seen below, Fago also drew some beautiful comic pages into the bargain.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Bugs and Co. via Don Gunn

This Bugs Bunny story comes from Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies No. 71, September 1947; and features the artwork of Don Gunn who, like so many of this era, began his professional life as an animator (Disney, 30s and early 40s). Very nice.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jack Bradbury in Issue #45 of Ha Ha Comics!

More from Ha Ha Comics No. 45, September 1947. Today, the great Jack Bradbury; who was one the most fluid and distinctive cartoonists of the Golden Age. His brushwork was just so beautiful, his characters so well defined. Are you convinced yet that the WWII era was the greatest time for kids' comics?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ha Ha Comics No. 45 (continued)
Bob Wickersham

More from Ha Ha Comics No. 45, September 1947. Today let's revel in the offerings of Bob Wickersham (who often signed as Bob Wick). My purpose in posting all stories from this single issue is to demonstrate how the Golden Age in comic books was the greatest era for kids' comics (work from this issue started two posts back). Mr. Wickersham's work easily supports my claim! And don't forget to look at the cool ad from the same issue after the story!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ken Hultgren in Issue #45, Ha Ha Comics!

Let's continue the exploration of the complete issue No. 45 of Ha Ha Comics from 1947 - all done to exemplify the extraordinary artwork that was standard fare in kids' comics during the Golden Age. Indeed, as my friend, Pappy (from Pappy's Golden Age Comic Blogzine), has so rightly called it, "A Golden Age within the Golden Age."

Today we have a story with art from the prolific Ken Hultrgren, whose smooth work was all over the place during the 1940s. Oh, and stick around for a moment after the story to appreciate the cool ad for a complete camera kit!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ha Ha Comics No. 45, September 1947

The Golden Age of of comics books produced lots of great artwork - but no genre of comics during this period produced art as polished as did kids' comics!

To support this claim, I though I would post every story from an issue of Ha Ha Comics from the late 1940s over the next several posts. Thus, you might see for yourself the high standard of the time. This first story starring the Impulsive Imps will give you the first sampling. I believe the artwork here is by Al Hubbard; with cover by Ken Hultgren.

As a bonus, I'll throw in all the ads that were in this issue as well just to give one a sense of the times. The ad that closes this post includes a half-pager featuring the art of Dan Gordon!