Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Howie Post from Animal Antics No. 15!

Hi, Kids! Today we have a story featuring Presto Pete the Magic Bunny with artwork from one of my favorite cartoonists, Howie Post! This story comes from Animal Antics No. 15 (July-August 1948).

Mr. Post is perhaps best remembered for his work in the 1950s and 1960s for Harvey Comics, drawing many Hot Stuff, the Little Devil and Spooky the Tuff Little Ghost stories. His work always makes me so happy! It is so robust, lively – the characters always seem so animated and alive, never stiff. He was just a master of bigfoot cartooning. Can you tell I am a big fan?

This is one of the oldest stories I’ve been able to find penciled and inked by Howie Post, and I’m excited to share it today with you kids. The script was written by Jack Mendelsohn (who went on later in life to write for Rowan and Martin’s Laugh In, The Carol Burnett Show, and many other television programs).

Heck, I’ll throw in the cover free of charge!

I will see you all again very soon. Until then, I hope you are all warm, safe, and happy! --Your friend, Mykal

Just for fun, let's throw in an advertisement from Schwinn Bicycles from this same issue!

Next post, I'll share some more stories fom Animal Antics with the artwork of Rube Grossman!


  1. I love Post, and PRESTO PETE in particular (one of the reasons we included him in the FUNNY STUFF STOCKING STUFFER. Great post.

    1. Hey, Jim. Good to hear from you as always! I love Post, too. Long time fan. I was so thrilled to find this older work from him! He did this when he was 22, and even then - Post is Post!

      Interesting story - When Howie Post passed away in 2010, I did a post here honoring him, describing briefly the joy he gives me with his art. A couple of days later, I got a call from his long-time companion, Pamela! She called me at work at the library. She wanted to let me know how much my post meant to her. I'm getting teary right now, remembering. It was such a sweet thing for her to do. Something I'll treasure forever.
