Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sheldon Mayer Weekend Concludes!

Good morning, Kids! Let's wrap up our Mayer Weekend with stories featuring Dizzy Dog (my favorite Mayer character) and Doodles Duck. Both stories come from Comic Calvacade No. 58 (August-September 1953). First up, Dizzy!

With his enormous puppy ears, tiny red bowler hat, and oversized bow-tie; Dizzy was a quick-tempered little street pup that had a persevering-if-innocent nature. In his innocence (which many characters in his universe perceived as dimness), Dizzy was often vulnerable to various wise-guys and those . . . well, less innocent (as we shall see in today’s first story).

Yet in Mr. Mayer’s masterful hands, Dizzy seemed always protected by a beneficent universe. Nothing could ever relieve Dizzy of his innocence OR his temper. That’s why I love him.

Exemplified well in this story is a Sheldon Mayer hallmark: Every character is unique and well-developed; each seems capable of a unique life, a unique personality – even those characters that speak only a line or don’t speak at all (check out the long line of characters waiting to get tickets for the big fight)!

Next up, Doodles Duck

“His Funny Animal stories are little comedic masterpieces,” said friend and artist, Jim Engel, recently when discussing Sheldon Mayer. Well said, Jim (Mr. Engel is the artist responsible for the beautiful banner atop the Big Blog)!

More about Mr. Engel after this wonderful Doodles story.

Speaking of pal and Big Blog patron, Jim Engel: As mentioned, Jim and I share a mutual love for the characters of Sheldon Mayer. As such, Jim gifted me a number of years ago a piece of original art featuring Bo Bunny, Dizzy Dog, and Doodles Duck (see immediately below). It hangs on my wall as a cherished possession.

Following that piece is a more recent inking from Jim of the same characters. Feast your eyes, kids. Isn’t it easy to see why Mr. Engel is one of my favorite cartoonists and artists?

For those wishing more from Mr. Engel (and, trust me, you do), please click HERE to investigate!

I will see you all again very soon. Until then, I hope you are all warm, safe, and happy! --Your friend, Mykal

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