Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Of Unicorns, Moonlight, and Shadows! More George Carlson

Good morning, kids! It’s going to be a good day today because on this glorious day we have some more George Carlson lunacy to enjoy (and the description of lunacy is particularly appropriate for today’s outing as moonlight factors much into the story).

This story is entitled, “The Moon-Struck Unicorn and the Worn-Out Shadow!” I think this will give a fair indication of the tone and temper of the tale, which is chocked-full of Mr. Carlson’s giddy anarchy.

What I love about Mr. Carlson’s work – every panel is so stuffed with imagination and toss-off bits of dialogue and cartooning; one could read the story a dozen times and find something new in every reading. Just like any sampling of great literature. This comes from Jingle Jangle Comics No. 13 (February 1945).

Let’s throw in some of the full-page ads from this comic just for the heck of it. The advertising pages in this era were often works of art themselves!
Coming up next, a last tale from Jingle Jangle featuring the (sadly) forgotten work of cartoonist Ben Levin!

I will see you all again very soon. Until then, I hope you are all warm, safe, and happy!

--Your friend, Mykal


  1. That story makes my head hurt about as much as the head of a moonstruck unicorn running into a wall would. you’re expecting a plot that makes even a lick of sense reading this one, you’ll be sorely disappointed. The artwork is very lively and fun to look at, though.

    1. That's true, Debbie. Carlson's plots seem to hop in and out of logical reality, and then some! I think the main character, a unicorn, using a string of sausages to skip rope in that first panel was a pretty strong signal of a universe that's jumped the rails. That's one of the reasons I love Carlson so much. Also, as you say, such fun from the artwork. Thanks for dropping by!
