Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A Big Blog Welcome To Al Hartley!

Good afternoon, Kids! So nice to visit with you all again!

Today, making his first appearance on the Big Blog, is cartoonist Al Hartley.

Before WWII, Mr. Hartley worked as a commercial artist in New York City before serving as a bomber pilot in the European theater. After the war, he went to work for Ned Pine’s Standard Comics and its imprints, Better Publications and Nedor Publishing. In 1949, Mr. Hartley went to work for Stan Lee at Timely Comics (which merged into Atlas Comics – the forerunner to Marvel).

As Marvel moved into the Silver Age, Mr. Hartley realized that he didn’t have much interest in drawing superheroes. In 1967, he became a born-again Christian and went to work for Archie Comics, increasingly placing his growing faith at the center of his stories. In 1972, Mr. Hartley launched Spire Christian Comics. In 1980, he was awarded the prestigious Inkpot award.

Here we find the kind of romance/teen story Mr. Hartley loved and for which he is best remembered. This comes from “Cookie” (April-May 1947)

Coming up next, a real rarity! A 10-page story from Ellis Holly Chambers from 1947. You do NOT want to miss it!

I will see you all again very soon. Until then, I hope you are all warm, safe, and happy!

--Your friend, Mykal

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