Monday, June 5, 2023

It's Howie Post Day Featuring Presto Pete!

Good afternoon, Kids! So nice to visit with you all again!

Today we have a real treat! Some very early work from Howie Post!

Mr. Post is best remembered as one of the premier Harvey Comics artists working in the 50s and 60s. After about 1957, he was the main artist on Harvey’s Hot Stuff title, drawing the endearing little devil with happy aplomb.

Among his other prominent work was drawing “funny animal” comics for DC since the mid-40s (as the work posted here). He worked as an animator for Paramount in the 60s and worked steadily for DC and Marvel through the 60s and into the 80s. Mr. Post also taught at the School of Visual Arts for several years. Animator John Kricfalusi (The Ren and Stimpy Show) has said that he was influenced by the work of Howie Post. Mr. Post passed away in 2010.

Howie Post is one of my personal favorite cartoonists. For me, his work is always so loose and free, so much fun to look at, and drawn with such joy. His work always makes me happy.

This story comes from Animal Antics No. 16 (September-October 1948). Even at this early date, all the happy, joyful elements are in place. His characters seem bouncy and alive, and his panel composition is so confident and beautiful! Enjoy!

I've included a couple of ads from this issue. I really love the beautiful graphic art that was so often displayed in comic book ads of this vintage.

For those interested as I was, Ewell Blackwell was a dominant right-handed pitcher of his day and is still considered one of the finest pitchers of his era. Mr. Blackwell was tall (6 ft 6 in), whipcord thin, and had a mean sidearm delivery. Ewell loved his Wheaties and played in a six-year straight All-Star Game streak from 1946-1951.

And as for the Rice Krispies page - isn't it just beautiful?

Coming up next, some typically gorgeous work from Dan Gordon.

I will see you all again very soon. Until then, I hope you are all warm, safe, and happy!

--Your friend, Mykal

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