Thursday, June 1, 2023

Two Beautiful Pages from Al Hubbard

Good afternoon, Kids! So nice to visit with you all again!

In my enthusiasm exalting the wonderful character of Goofy in my last post, I fear I gave short shrift to the artist of the story, Al Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard is one of my favorite comic book artists of all time. His work is always instantly recognizable to me (and any fan of comic book art) by his gorgeous, luxuriant inking. Mr. Hubbard’s work always appears so rich and wet even though it was done and reproduced on pulp paper (in this case) 70 years ago.

In these two one-page stories, taken from the inside back and front covers Four Color No. 468 (May 1953), Mr. Hubbard's linework leaps forward. I always love these black & white inside covers from the older Four Color comics! It really allows the inking and brushwork to shine and with Al Hubbard, that’s an especially rich gift!

Let's revel in the beauty of Hubbard!

Coming up next, a real treat: Some early Howie Post (another favorite of the Big Blog) from 1948.

I will see you all again very soon. Until then, I hope you are all warm, safe, and happy!

--Your friend, Mykal

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