Today we have the charming work of Mel Casson (July 25, 1920-May 21, 2008), and his signature strip, “Angel,” which ran in syndication from 1953 to 1966.
A little background on Mr. Casson: A child prodigy, He sold his first cartoon at the age of 17 to the Saturday Evening Post and quickly had wis work appear in the pages Esquire, The New York Time, the Ladies Home Journal and other leading publications. .
Mr. Casson served in the infantry in WWII and survived the Normandy landing on D-Day. He finished the war as a Captain and earned five Battle Stars, the Croix de Guerre, and two purple hearts. .
After getting out of the Army, Mel Casson spent the rest of his life drawing comics strips; “Sparky,” “Angel,’ and “Redeye” among them (he worked on “Redeye” – a strip about a tribe of Native Americans in the 19th century – until near his death in 2008 at the age of 87. .
These two, sweet stories come from Four Color No. 576, August, 1954. .
Well, that's all for now, Kids! Coming up: Some very early work of Owen Fitgerald and a couple of suprises!
I will see you all again very soon. Until then, I hope you are all warm, safe, and happy!
--Your friend, Mykal